Press release

Chart showing investment in European alternative protein companies
Blog Cultivated

Alternative Proteine: Investitionen in deutsche Unternehmen steigen um 243 Prozent und erreichen 2021 einen neuen Rekord

Ivo Rzegotta

Das Good Food Institute legt Zahlen zu Investitionen in Alternative-Proteine-Unternehmen vor – mit 121,5 Mio. Euro war 2021 für deutsche Unternehmen ein Rekordjahr.

Family shopping in supermarket
Blog BOB体育app平台下载

几乎一半的欧洲半素食主义者想要更多的人民解放军nt-based options

Conrad Astley

Nearly half of European consumers who want to eat less meat by switching to plant-based products think not enough options are available.

Blog Cultivated

COP26: Why world leaders need to be talking about sustainable proteins

Alice Ravenscroft

GFI will be on the ground in Glasgow, encouraging national governments to include sustainable proteins – making meat from plants and cultivating it from cells – into their national plans.
