
A spread of healthy plant-based dishes, including innovative plant based meats that have benefited from government funding
Blog Cultivated

European government funding in sustainable proteins poised to hit half a billion euros, report finds

Conrad Astley

European governments have announced a grand total of nearly half a billion euros of funding to develop sustainable proteins according to new figures released by the Good Food Institute (GFI).

Blog Cultivated

Meet the researcher: leading the UK’s new £12m cellular agriculture research hub with Prof Marianne Ellis

Conrad Astley

Head of the UK's new £12 million Cellular Agriculture Manufacturing Hub (CARMA), we talk to Marianne Ellis about her goals for the project, how she became involved in cultivated meat, and advice for new researchers looking to enter the field.

The German Bundestag
Blog BOB体育app平台下载

GFI-Report: Deutsche Branche für alternative Proteine ist gut aufgestellt, braucht aber stärkere Unterstützung aus der Politik

Ivo Rzegotta

Neuer Report liefert Zahlen und Fakten zur kommerziellen und wissenschaftlichen Landschaft im Bereich alternativer Proteine, die das enorme Potenzial Deutschlands in diesem Bereich unterstreichen.

Blog Plant-based

Meet the researcher: squeezing the protein out of plants with Dr Alan Javier Hernandez Alvarez

Conrad Astley

A career spent exploring the nutritional and health benefits of plant-based foods – along with an outsider’s perspective – has given Dr Alan Javier Hernandez Alvarez a unique insight into the challenges and opportunities facing the sector.

A farmer removing the husk from an ear of corn
Blog Fermentation

Forscher nutzen Fermentation, um Lebensmittel aus Lebensmittelabfällen zu entwickeln

Ivo Rzegotta

Ein Team von Forscherinnen und Forschern aus Luxemburg verwendet eine aus der Antike stammende Technologie, um nicht genutzte Stoffe in der Landwirtschaftlich in Fette umzuwandeln, die für nachhaltige Lebensmittel verwendet werden können.
